Personal Profile

EXPERTIZE Design • Fashion • Products
SKILLS Branding • Agile • Innovation
WORK England • USA • Italy • Angola • Brazil
EDUCATION Design • Fashion • Architecture
LANGUAGES English • Italian • Portuguese
Work Experience
2019 - 2022
Manifesta Capital
2017 - 2019
Angola Fashion School
CO-FOUNDER in a Venture Capital fund whose thesis is the principle of activist entrepreneurship. Responsible for marketing and design, always working together with investors and entrepreneurs to leverage the VC portfolio through the implementation of agile methodologies, product launches and brand positioning.
DESIGN EXPERT for a national brand of great expression in the footwear sector. Key activities: design, communication, marketing and visual merchandising intended to place the brand towards its root target audience. Led the internal culture processes for the use of agile methodologies.
PRINCIPAL at a pioneering fashion school in Luanda, Angola. Collaborating with a team of talented professionals, we established a benchmark for fashion education in a country brimming with rich cultural aesthetics, shaping the future of fashion standards in Angola.
2012 - 2015
Sá Cavalcante
MKT & DESIGN DIRECTOR for a National Group of shopping malls, real estate projects, foodservice franchises and television channels. Led the marketing fund of major malls, designing architectural features and creating campaigns throughout the commercial calendar.
2009 - 2011
INNOVATION DIRECTOR focused on immersive technologies in the area of ​​education and entertainment. Key activities: Exhibition and game design, group computers and the development of public-private partnerships with the government and incubators throughout Brazil.
2004 - 2009
CO-FOUNDER of the first design collective in Brazil, reference in the creation of brands, campaigns, films, websites, products and fashion. Together with friends, clients and employees, led the collective for several years developing innovative creation and commercial process.
2000 - 2003
DESIGNER at one of the most recognized design firms in the world. Key activities: Development of products and services focussed on the principles of what is now known as Design Thinking.
Get in Touch
+55 (21) 97214-4436